Wiseman Publications

Composer: Mildred Packard (Milli Packard)

Feed the Spirit, Nourish the Soul

TO ORDER CALL: 480-695-7329

Our Song List:

This can be used as an order form.

Item # Title Arrangement QTY Each Total
(solo voice range: h=high; m=med; l=low)
780 a boy’s summer song   (mh) solo $2.95
810 a prayer   (m) solo 2.95
830 1 c a prayer 2 part 0.95
790 adam-ondi-ahman   (mh) solo 2.95
970 babe of bethlehem   (m) solo 2.95
791 behold my little ones   (m) 2 part or solo 2.95
982 close to you  (m) solo 2.95
971 come with me   (wedding song)   (m) 2 part or solo 2.95
811 come unto me as a little child   (ml) solo 2.95
781 daughter of zion   (h) solo 2.95
782 daughter of zion   (h) solo w/ssa 1.15
789.2 1  easter hymn of praise (on back of 792)
800 1 enter into his gates with thanksgiving satb 0.95
812 give me this mountain   (mh) solo 2.95
813 1 c give me this mountain satb 0.95
710 he it is that loveth me sa or ssa 1.15
he it is that loveth me satb 1.15
792 1 c he lives  /  easter hymn of praise  (on back)   (h) solo w/satb 1.15
981 heart turned to heart / & my heart is turned  2 part or satb 0.95
992 here’s where love is found  (a family get-together song)  (m) solo 2.95
793 hold out your hand to me   (wedding song)   (m) 2 part or solo 2.95
850 holy child / santo nino  (spanish)    (m) solo 2.95
831 1 c holy child / santo nino  (spanish)   (m) solo w/satb 1.25
851 holy child / santo nino  (spanish) sa or ssa 1.15
972 home again  satb 1.15
983 i am called  (missionary hymn) satb 0.95
930 i love you more than the whole world   (m) 2 part or solo 2.95
990 i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america satb 0.95
802 i saw the finger of the lord (m) (on back of 801) solo 1.15
920 2 i will go   (m) 2 part or solo 0.95
783 if he were here   (m) solo 2.95
860 2 c if he were here satb 0.95
760 2 if your eye be single to his glory   (b-l) solo w/satb 0.95
789.5 lamanite song of thanks satb 2.95
784 let this be heaven (m) solo 2.95
801 2 let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly….(w/violins i & ii)   (mh);  (on back: other solo) t. solo w/satb 1.15
814 little brown baby   (ml) solo 2.95
785 look!  look again!   (m) solo 2.95
794 love is the key;  god really wants me   (m):  (on back)  the december tree (mh)-solo solo 2.95
711 c mary’s song of praise   (l) solo 2.95
940 moroni’s promise  / la proMesa de moroni  (spanish)   (m) solo 2.95
973 new unborn child   (m) solo 2.95
815 1 o house of israel, awake and arise 2 part or satb 1.15
786 o little lamb   (ml-mh) solo 2.95
10 1 o ye that embark in the service of god satb 1.15
one fold and one shepherd   (m) solo 2.95
787 practice makes perfect   (m) solo 2.95
730 2 c pray always without ceasing satb 1.15
720 pray always without ceasing ssa 1.15
952 1 c song of charity  /  cancion de caridad  (spanish) 2 part 1.15
980 song of charity  (new satb arrangement) satb 1.15
984 2 spider and i   (m) solo 2.95
839.5 2 c sunset and evening star   (m) unison or solo 0.95
931  spider and i (m) solo 2.95
832 1 c  sunset and evening star (m) unison or solo
795  the december tree (mh) (on back of 794) solo 2.25
796  the quiet life (m) solo
789.7a  the spirit of elijah satb
789.7b  the spirit of elijah ssa
789.3  the spirit of truth satb
789.6  the velvet dusk of eventide satb
731 c then cometh jesus unto john  (h w/m)  2 part or solo 2.95
the quiet life   (m) solo 2.95
the spirit of god (new arr.) satb 1.50
788 this child i hold   (m) solo 2.95
816 to serve with love   (m) 2 part or solo 0.95
840 2 c trailing clouds of glory satb 0.95
789.1 2 c  trust in the lord with all thine heart satb 0.25
789.8  walk in the meekness of my spirit satb 2.95
732 1 what is home?   (w/violin or flute) satb 0.95
733 what is home?   (w/violin or flute) 2 part or ssa 0.95
761 2 c what is man? satb 0.95
787.8 what you gonna do when i’m gone?   (m) 2 part 2.95
someone is waiting  (adoption,  a loving option) – song booklet & cd 2 part, satb, solo 19.95
solos & duets  –  30 songs (see list above) 2 part & solo 29.95
choir book l  – 11 songs  (see ” 1 ” in l. column) satb 5.95
choir book ll  – 10 songs  (see ” 2 ” in l. column) satb 5.95
sing the scriptures  (12+ hymns) satb 5.95
sacred songs for 2-part & ssa – 12 songs (see list above) sa & ssa 5.95
holy child – cassette (chor. & orch.) – 13 songs (see ” c ” in l. column) 9.95
cumorah’s treasure – cassette: side 1: vocal & orch.; side 2: orch. 9.95
cumorah’s treasure  – song booklet for children/youth & men   (m) unis./2 part/solo/satb 3.95
uncommon preludes for piano, book i  – 12 preludes 3.95

sh & h: 1-20 copies: $4.25 / 21-50 copies: $6.00 /51+ copies: $12.00

Order Form

Item #


Unit Price

Extended Total

Shipping & Handling:
1-20 copies: $4.25 • 21-50 copies: $6.10 • 51+ copies: $12.10

Contact Us

8 + 4 =

3 Ways to Order

Call in your order:
To order call 480-695-7329

Send an email to:

waynalisa@hotmail.comDue to limitations beyond our control in our current website, which cannot be fixed at this time, please copy and paste our email address into your normal email sender, and email us from your usual email site.
or millipackard@gmail.comDue to limitations beyond our control in our current website, which cannot be fixed at this time, please copy and paste our email address into your normal email sender, and email us from your usual email site.

Or print the page then fill it out.
Mail to:
Mildred Packard or Lisa Wyatt
550 N. Orange, Mesa AZ 85201

Please make checks payable to:
Lisa Wyatt
Mail: 550 N. Orange, Mesa AZ 85201

Payment option is PayPal:

waynalisa@hotmail.com“How this works: please copy and paste our email address into your PayPal account where it says ‘Pay or send money’ – follow the prompts, to where you enter our email address in the box as your payee, and follow the prompts to pay. (AND, Please let us know what you’re paying for and where to send it!)”